A discussion about the classic television series, Space: 1999. Mark Malek, Matt Comegys, Brian Clayton, and an ocassional guest take a look at each episode and decide how much of it is sci-fi fun, and how much is just existential dread.

Latest Episodes

A Matter of Balance

Vindrus is an anti-matter being who has made strong style choices.Catch up with the episode here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmY9-AxOl9I&t=3039sIf you dig our dive...

The Beta Cloud

The episode that kind of has Darth Vader. Catch up with the episode here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUhZsxrInDo&list=PLUA9kG1DciUwY2VSvIGk3WZI_TqJMynxG&index=40If...

Seed of Destruction

More fun than a house of mirrors. Catch up with the episode here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_wkZoZPQ7k&list=PLUA9kG1DciUwY2VSvIGk3WZI_TqJMynxG&index=35If you dig...

Catacombs of the Moon (w/ John Champion)

'Cause you gotta' have faith Catch up with the episode here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaFHteEny6o John Champion is the host of Roddenberry Entertainment's Missio...

The A B Chrysalis

How many of you noticed that the ladies at the end were green?Catch up with the episode here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSh55KzqppQ&t=3047sIf you dig our dive int...

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